The Educational Administration program at Maryville University is organized around a cohort or student group plan where 12 to 20 students advance through their classes together.
The cohort builds camaraderie, provides you with additional resources and helps you recognize your own strength. This 30-credit program is tailored to the working professional and takes five semesters to complete by meeting just one night a week.

Maryville’s School of Education partners with private and public school districts in the greater St. Louis region and beyond to provide educators with opportunities to experience hands-on involvement in real-world projects.

Steve Coxon, associate professor of education, directs the Center for Access and Achievement (CA2) which opened in 2017.
CA2 runs programs that give students in underfunded districts in St. Louis County the boost they need to thrive, including App Dev Camp with Riverview Gardens, STEM Sprouts with Ritenour preschoolers, Young Scholars with Ferguson-Florissant and more.